Is it ok to not feel right?
I am starting to write this present article just because I’ve been thinking this same thing over and over now for a while having this constant belief of not feeling right. Of something missing to be honest.
However, everything is perfect. Or seemingly so. I have a life I love to live, goals forever and ever, enough to keep me inspired day in and day out and a friendly environment with so many going on.
And quite frankly it’s okay not to feel perfectly fine all the time. It’s okay to be uncertain. I am capable of understanding this, in spite of believing that if we want to get better, we have to exceed every single expectation. And that’s exactly what’s going on. Being able to seize the moment and realise that we’re not perfect it’s quite alright.
Firstly, it is okay to get rid of your facade!
How many times has someone asked you ‘’how you’ve been?”, and the answer is almost automatic and so inauthentic?
Embrace this vulnerability we’re living altogether and be proud of it.
Secondly, we’re all humans. Just in our bare form and nature. Think of us like a living creature that has nothing but itself to get a hang on and try to hold everything together. That’s us now. That’s the whole planet right now. There is nothing to be afraid of except of the same thing everyone is. How ironic..
However, it’s the same situation that unites us and set us apart from everything else in this inhabitated planet.
Thirdly, it is so much better to be honest right now than ever before! Excuses are not available anymore. Of course it is tremendous to get all frisky and excited that everything is going to get perfect again and this is the meaning of life — to continue believing a greater future and a goal to live for- but these extreme times you don’t feel ok, it’s really nice to take a deep breath, slow time down, and facing the dark side. You have to embrace that things are ugly and they’re about to get uglier. Keep in mind though, that we, the people are stronger than we think and this is a game-changer! We can accomplish anything together!
Every stoic used to believe that these ugly situations we’re experiencing tend to generate the best feel of gratitude. Even though, according to experts, it is not common right now and not even unusual to feel gratitude. In fact the opposite is considered quite normal. And that’s what’s so great. Learning that every single situation is survivable is what keeps us going. This feeling is almost liberating.
You must survive to have everything you have ever wanted!
Keep your shit together, be nice and everything will be just fine..
And together we’ll make it wonderful!
(*This whole article is written at a time of a global pandemic. However, it is broad enough to be referred to a range of human conditions.)