Life is a video game
I want you all to imagine, just for a second, that we’re all living together in a secluded and iconic, almost heavenly — set island. There, each and everyone lives their own lives with the calmness that such a place requires and the occasional relaxation we all so much deserve. What if though, all of it was controlled by a talented developer who could alter the scenario in its precious video game and subsequently causing major dysfunctions to our own precious lives? Is this something that we could live by, tolerate or rebel against?
Because I am such a fan of upfront conclusions, I’m going to say it : Anyone who doesn’t live like its his / her last day on a tropical island is losing big All we have is here and now. And we should grab every single squeeze out of it.
I am going to explain myself here. I am aware that this statement is radical and even I tend not to follow it sometimes. However, being in this remotely located island, which resembles heaven on earth, is a chance coming once in a million years. And if the ‘’creator’’ chooses to differentiate the rules, then the rules are rigged. The deck is stacked. And I’m afraid we’re out of options at that point. Personally, I would live my very best days on this scenery. As I am precisely doing right now. Of course you can spend your time doing whatever the heck you want. Brutality, violence and sexual extremisms is one way of looking at the picture. Another one is the great realisation that comes with the ability of having no need for money. This game is so nicely set up. The ‘’creator’’ has provided for everything. And here comes my view. You have here exactly what you need. And no more. If you wish more, please, indulge yourself. If not though, indulge in my theory.
What’s the dream of every man? Let me answer this briefly, because I don’t want to spoil another piece just like that. Firstly, a lot of things to be honest. But deep down, all a man wants is absolute freedom. And love. Something to be doing right now, a motive to chase for the future and all his memories to keep him grounded. Being in a ‘’tropical island’’ includes the possibility of achieving them all. So, wake up, work your body, work your mind, take good care of yourself, have zero worries and cherish the ones you love. This is the life. All I can imagine when thinking of the optimal lifestyle in this ideal location is a man who loves living and has only one passion. To love without limits. To set himself free and to enjoy the sea. We all have demons, but as long as we face them, we learn their true worthless value. Only one thing is more forbidden in our island than doing something against the rules: not living at all.
So, live your very best and if for some reason comes a day that the rules happen to change, let them change. You know you’ve done your best, you have conquered your universe with your will, you’ve sed emotionally your soul there and you’ve found what you’ve settled to find in the first place. Every single thing you were missing. And it’s so soothing for your soul, isn’t it?
Let the rules change. You have played as a hero. You’ve won the game.