Should we let things go?
Have you ever caught yourself wondering what could’ve happened if you have done something differently but now the current situation seems to be a dead end? And it burns you deep down to change that once and for all towards the other direction. It burns so much that hurts.
On the one hand, there are those who cannot seem to overstate enough how crucial it is for someone to let go off the past and leave behind everything that has ever happened. This state of mind no matter how stationary it may appears, includes note-worthy results :
It is the pillar of propelling yourself forward. I cannot highlight this enough.
No matter what has ever occurred to our lives, the only significant part is to pick up your pieces and keep going. One of the best principals for a happier living is for us to constantly remind ourselves that all we have is the present and the future. What concerns the past, will always remain there.
Another great argument is that you don’t earn anything by holding grudge to someone. And that’s so much true. What was done, can’t be undone by emotionalisms. (Despite of my liking.)
These all apply mostly to instances that cannot be fixed one way or another. And I keep reminding this to myself because I want to stick to them, when that’s the case.
To my mind, however, that’s hardly ever the case. Staying focused on something that has happened a while ago and not making at least an effort to change it, is one of the things that can drive me ~crazy~.
To all of you right now, wondering what you’ve done wrong, how you’ve messed up so badly, honestly it doesn’t matter. If there is something that can be done, pick yourself up, grab your cojones confidently and go make that change you’ve always wanted so fucking bad.
Let me be brutally honest on this one! It may not always work. Perhaps if it’s something that contains relationship elements, then I’d say chances are not on your side.
Despite this though, let me tel you why it’s the best mindset to my mind:
1. Not knowing the alternative will kill you. Imagine you can change something. Anything. Name it. Then move on and don’t you ever look back. How long can you sincerely resist the urge to look back over your shoulder and take a look at what could’ve changed if you at least tried?..Exactly!
2. It gives me wings. Literally, my motivation is through the roof. I ooze out confidence and I scream with my whole existence that I want something so bad, I’m going to move the fucking universe to get it. To change a situation, to bring the whole world upside down. Just for my motive. Hell, no! But the way it makes me feel just trying, that’s another level. Another game. And when it’s about something I care about , I become unstoppable.
3. It might change your life. I wasn’t about to play this card, but here I am. If it’s just business, then business it is. It might even be something unimportant. Or maybe it seems that way. But, and there is a huge ‘’but’’ here. How the heck do you know that this ‘’but’’ ain’t about to change your whole perspective in life. To move you inside, to make you see things purified, in a way that has never occurred to you before? After all, every single moment of us walking on this planet is made by choices. Don’t you want to make one to remember forever?
To sum up, not letting things go sucks. Big time. There are fierce supporters on why we should move on and eventually let go. If that’s the case, be my guest. On the other hand, I’ve made pretty obvious where I stand. If anything grinds your gears, it shouldn’t bother you anymore. You should do what you want! That’s what will make you truly happy after all. So, be strong, be honest and go all in! What you want is out there, you can change it all, you can get it!
I’ve never believed something so much. Hope it reaches out to the ones in need of hearing it now.