Why is freedom so underrated ?
Tonight I’ve felt particularly free in a while. Both, physically and spiritually. I am a huge supporter of every single person on Earth should live exactly as he/she wants. However, this is not always the case…
So, how much does this so called ‘’freedom’’ cost?

Here’s the answer:
- Personal Cost.

The ability to sacrifice yourself, your best moments, your best mood to work your shit day in and day out. And I mean all kinds of work, both physical and spiritual. We come in this world without much financial freedom, if not any at all, for some of us at least. That’s something we mustn’t take for granted. Ever. And for those who intend to do something out from nothing, this whole thing takes a whole another dimension. Let me be brutally honest here. If you want to be actually free, that means being financially independent. That’s where the true nature of freedom lies. Apart from our soul of course. So, be prepared to work your body, in conditions and terms you’ve never felt before.
2. Situational Cost.
That is just beyond our power. Here extends the stoic mindset that every single one of us should develop, meaning that if something is simply untouchable, unreachable and in simple terms, if we can’t seem to do anything about it, then we shouldn’t care. At all. That may sound as an excuse for all the things we don’t have or we aspire to achieve and they seem so far far away. Instead, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to realise, whether or not, we can do anything, if not much, in order to stack the deck in our favour. Here comes the situational cost though: An event that can restrict all of us. The fundamentals obviously come down to health, being physically and mentally capable of doing whatever you’ve ever dreamt off. Otherwise it’s painful even to bear thought at this point of wanting to do and achieve everything. Another one is war. The most disgusting experience humanity can endeavour. Or can’t endeavour. Not anymore. Not by another soul. This is an utter tragedy. And another phenomenal and disheartening situation is the one we’re experiencing right now.

I’m talking about pandemics and in particular this with its so many restrictions, which makes our own personal freedom so beautifully elusive.
The whole collateral effects of this concurrent situation is the magical ability to be able to appreciate everything and everyone ten times more than before. And for me, in this exact context is why freedom is so underrated. I can vividly remember every careless moment we had when pandemic was not a thing and I can’t seem to be eager enough to live them again one by one…Drink with our friends, walk and get lost and stare at the stars for all we want without any time or place restriction. Ever. For anything.
Freedom is the best part of our lives. At any cost.